Rebekah Barnett, Pilates Instructor
Rebekah Barnett
Rebekah recently graduated from Salt Lake City’s Streamline Pilates Teaching Training Program, hosted by Aero Joe. She is comprehensively trained on all apparatuses that Aero Joe offers in studio. She works full time at UAB, as well as owns a floral design business for weddings and special events. Rebekah was first introduced to Pilates while at the University of Alabama, and had since joked that she would love to be an instructor one day. Pilates has changed the way that Rebekah feels and sees exercise, especially in the functional aspect of everyday life. Being more body aware and breath has also helped her to progress in mountain biking and climbing.
Rebekah’s favorite thing about Pilates is the strength and confidence that you gain, and being able to help others achieve that as well. Along with the physical aspects, Pilates allows you to slow down, focus on the present, and be mindful of each breath. All of these encouraging you to leave your session, ready to take on whatever comes next.